The latest National Movers Study by United Van Lines showed Connecticut had the third highest rate of people moving out in the nation.
According to the study, which tracks state-to-state migration patterns, 62 percent of Connecticut moves were outbound compared to 38 percent in-bound.
The primary reason for the outbound moves were job related (34 percent), followed by retirement (30 percent) and lifestyle (20 percent). Jobs were the primary cause of inbound migration as well, but the number of outbound moves far outpaced the number of people moving into the state.
Overall, the Northeast did not fair particularly well. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Rhode Island all saw a higher percentage of people moving out.Vermont had the highest percentage of people moving into the state in the country, but migration trends strongly favored the South and West.
According to Michael Stoll, economist and professor in the Department of Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles, “The data collected by United Van Lines aligns with longer-term migration patterns to southern and western states, trends driven by factors like job growth, lower costs of living, state budgetary challenges and more temperate climates.”
Historically, Connecticut has lost population to other states, particularly southern states, while gaining population from nearby neighbors like New York and also from strong international immigration.
Year over year, Fairfield County sees the highest influx of people to Connecticut. U.S. Census data for 2018 offered hope as young people starting families may soon depart cities and look for nice suburbs with good schools.
Connecticut has experienced a decline in population over the past few years as people depart for other states, although the population remained relatively flat in 2018. Connecticut also has a low birth rate and an aging population.
The outmigration trend has been particularly pronounced among high income earners, which may spell trouble for state income tax revenues for Connecticut which, year after year, finds itself in continual budget deficits.
According to Internal Revenue Service data the largest group of tax filers who left the state in 2015 were those earning over $200,000 per year.
The net loss of income topped $2.6 billion that year with Florida being the largest beneficiary of that loss.
Studies conducted by various Connecticut state agencies and commissions have shown those moving into the state earn less than those departing.
Explanations for Connecticut’s high out-migration patterns range from climate to taxes to the high cost of living.
According the United Van Lines study, 20 percent of people moving out did so for “lifestyle” reasons as opposed to 10 percent moving into the state, but jobs and retirement remained the highest factors for state outmigration.
January 4, 2019 @ 10:53 pm
The government here in Connecticut are turning my state into communist state and charging to much to live here and work here instead of cutting back and changing the way they’re running the state of Connecticut into the ground it costs to much to live here i my self am getting ready to leave because of the government here in Connecticut
January 7, 2019 @ 12:07 pm
I’m out 5yr plan , the Connecticut Communist Party wins . They can have it
C. Greenert
November 1, 2019 @ 8:57 pm
As someone who was born in the south, but had to live in CT for 6 years
growing up, all I ask is one thing from
The future CT refugees, leave the B.S.
Liberal politics back in Connecticut.
Best Regards,
July 23, 2020 @ 12:05 pm
The people in the southeast should let these (liberal and loud) newcomers know that they are guests. Don’t ever put up with their BS.
April 9, 2019 @ 5:02 pm
7 year Max, 3 year min, and myself and my family are out of CT. Too expensive to live here and the amount of taxes going up never ends. I make a decent salary and the job can go along with me wherever there is internet.
David Martinelli
April 17, 2019 @ 11:42 am
I left Connecticut years ago but came back to try again. Unfortunately ct is still a worthless state. That sucks everything out of you and your family. I encourage everyone to leave the state a soon as possible. As soon I get everything in order I AM GONE ????
June 1, 2019 @ 7:52 pm
Thank you for posting this David. It’s a sorry state (no pun intended) of affairs.
I thought of moving back, moved out in 2016…but your comments made me re-think.
It does suck everything out of you…especially money. Taxes are ruining the once beautiful state.
May 9, 2019 @ 10:44 am
Some of the numbers in this article are wrong. 62% outbound + 38% inbound ≠ 100%.
John Christino
July 21, 2019 @ 1:49 pm
May 9, 2019 @ 10:45 am
Regarding my last comment: Actually, my brain is wrong. I need more caffeine…
May 30, 2019 @ 4:07 pm
I left in October of last year. Been in Connecticut since 2007. Built a house that declined in value during the Obama years and never recovered. I short-sold and got the hell out of there. Moved to South Dakota, where welfare is close to non-existent and people are PEOPLE. No sagging, no bums in the streets, no people throwing garbage out of their car windows… no entitlements. Just hard working, God fearing people. It might get really cold in the winter, but I’ll trade the communist state for any type of weather. No state income and much more safer than living in the tri-state area.
Mike Jones
June 4, 2019 @ 3:41 pm
Why GOD FEARING?? Why is that a thing?
June 28, 2019 @ 12:31 pm
God Fearing means that people try to behave within some sort of ethical and moral value code. As opposed to no fear of divine judgment where people cannot be trusted to be civil and not screw you . Duh
Natasha Aveda
September 17, 2019 @ 8:02 pm
My ex and I had two children, a comfortable home in the suburbs and a two income household for several years. It wasn’t until we split up and began maintaining two separate households & co parenting, that I decided to turn in the towel and leave this State. I moved out to the West, got a State job and bought my first home as well as started a home buying business, we own 6 homes and rent out 5 of them for income.
I am finally financially free and would never have been, had I stayed in CT.
Money works for my husband and I and I could not be happier.
Get out of CT as fast as you possibly can, blessings.
July 4, 2019 @ 3:14 pm
You’re all a bunch of whine-bags!!
Carl Ferrigno
August 18, 2019 @ 3:27 pm
Hey Beth ! Let’s see your net worth and which party you vote for ?
Looks like it will be a very quiet place for you and your cronies…
Bob Michaels
December 17, 2019 @ 11:21 pm
LOL a republican calling us “cronies”. The irony is real
August 1, 2019 @ 12:41 pm
I moved to Connecticut following a job from NY. I started out renting in Southport, then Weston, then to Newtown and finally a purchase in Bethel. We raised two children in a large home and enjoyed everything until now. The cost of housing was at an all time high when we purchased. You know where I’m going… Now the boys have grown and here we sit owing more than the house is worth on the open market. We would like to downsize and stay but that won’t happen. Basically, Connecticut is impossibe for the middle class. Yes we wanted to retire here but thats a dream that turned into a nightmare!
James S Attardo
August 16, 2019 @ 1:13 am
The State of CT is concerned more with the State Bureaucracy and Elites/Politicians than they are with the People od CT – especially the middle class which is under an unrelenting tax assault. We’ve ended up with Politicians who do not work for us – We work for them. Its out of control – no – none – nada course correction – and getting worse.
Joe gibertoni
August 20, 2019 @ 2:35 pm
Ct will be bankrupt soon so sad what democrats have done to this state glad l left in 2015
John feher
September 8, 2019 @ 5:43 am
Sad to leave,born and raised in Ct and find we can t afford to retire here We left ct in Febuary 2019 it’s just to exspensive with all the high taxation.Democrats are anti American pro illegal alien.anti senior,anti middle class.pro communist socialist
September 19, 2019 @ 9:19 pm
Property values plummeting. Property taxes skyrocketing. Can’t get rid of this property. Meanwhile, pay every year for owning a vehicle. Roads in major disrepair despite paying every year for every vehicle owned, for that exact reason. But we are going to be taxed for highway driving…wait, possibly not on all major highways…the Merrit, highway 15, our Governor’s highway, probably will not be taxed per mile. When he retires, he will have a nice subsidy free alternative. So, inefficiency, a personal subsidy for Gov in the future, rising taxes with no benefit and plummeting property value.. And bonus, boys and girls: CT is one of the few states where you cannot get a replacement SS card online. What fool would move to CT? I was one, trying to unload my property and good luck to the next fool…
October 25, 2019 @ 11:51 pm
I here you I use to live in New Milford CT had opportunity to move I took it I live in Texas now lower house prices and taxes better quality of life and don’t forget the high cost of utility bills in Connecticut too it’s like pennies compared and more things to do in Texas people are nicer glad I got the hell out of there lol
June 30, 2020 @ 8:19 am
Glad to see you made it out. I had to live there for 6 years growing up.
7th grade middle school to 12th grade high school. My Dad’s job.
Moved us. They left in 1992. I left in
1985. Born in Texas and raised in Georgia until 1979. It was truly a culture change and one that I had
To deal with. Take care.
Best Regards,
C. Greenert
Erika Grey
September 21, 2019 @ 9:17 pm
I am the odd ball, I am moving but to another part of CT away from its cities. CT is a beautiful state and in close proximity to several areas that make great day trips -the Cape, the Coast of Maine, Newport and NYC to name a few. CT is rich in history and beauty, from its coastal shoreline towns to the lush greenery and hills of Litchfield. While the city’s and the taxes are an issue, I could not see myself living anywhere else. In my retirement I want to be where I am happiest even if it costs a bit more. I love CT’s four seasons, its close proximity to NYC and to so much else.
October 13, 2019 @ 8:56 am
Connecticut is a great state if you’re a employee of the state. The benefits are amazing. Everyone one else, not so much.
C. Greenert
October 31, 2020 @ 11:37 am
I hope all these Yankees moving to North Carolina don’t bring their B.S. liberal democratic politics with them. If they love
Democratic liberal policies, stay in CT.
Don’t f*ck up North Carolina, like you have
Paul Haggerty
November 4, 2019 @ 2:57 pm
We left CT in 2004 and never looked back.
The liberals have destroyed the state.
I have a brother and sister in law who both are retired principals taking in two whopping pensions and free health care for the rest of their lives.
Two people taking home 180.000 k plus free medical a year .
How can the middle class support this way of life.
Leave CT!!
Robert Phoenix
July 17, 2020 @ 8:20 pm
We retired in 2018 and couldn’t get out of Connecticut fast enough.
Taxes, fees and poorly run state.
Couldn’t retire early as we did and stay there.
Hello Arizona.
Russ Schofield
November 30, 2019 @ 2:38 pm
Wife and I left Colchester, Ct in September 2014. Fortunately sold our house and made enough to pay cash for a larger house in sunny Florida. Half the tax burden here and no yearly property tax on vehicles. Much lower electric rates. Gas is cheaper. Lot more to do here year round. Best of all no idiot democratic governors. Last but not least a great tradeoff with a few hot summer months instead of drizzling grey skys and tons of snow. Glad we moved.
Patches R
September 9, 2020 @ 4:47 pm
Live in Florida since Aug 78 and ruined my life and can’t make true friends, all bunch cold hearted foreigners? To hot buggy no butcher shops or bakeries always have to settle for second best? They don’t celebrate holidays as they do up north miss 4 seasons? Florida gone to hell its now for dirtbags, snowbirds, rich or blacks and foreigners? Got get hell out before we die?
E Hysolli
February 16, 2020 @ 4:42 pm
It is almost impossible for a working class family to have a decent life in CT, mostly in Fairfield County, high taxes, expensive and low pay rate jobs! Only the welfare people and the rich people can leave here no body else!!!
March 22, 2020 @ 6:43 pm
I got out of Connecticut in 1989 and never looked back! Best move I ever made! No more cold, snowy winters and no more muddy springtime. After living in California and Florida since leaving, I wouldn’t move back to Connecticut for any amount of money. Especially not now since taxes are off the chart!
Patches R
September 9, 2020 @ 4:42 pm
I moved to Florida in August 78 with ex since my life has been pure hell? I want to move back to RI where I’m from althought spent a lot time in Ct cause our family? So went to visit relatives althought Ct from infant till 17? Have lived in Fl from Jax to key west, Fl But left for few years and moved back to RI with Floridian husband? Worst thing I ever did? Been so miserable since with lonelyness and terrible sickness and neighbors suck and terrible doctors, hospitals and people in general? If I don’t get out soon will die of depression? Fl hospital killed my precious son and dam lawyers would not take.case to sue two doctors that caused death, and again they almost killed present husband and place and state killing me slowely? Got get hell out changed for worst?
Fred F
September 26, 2020 @ 7:59 pm
I had many years in a company that offered a pension so had to stay during the large tax increases especially the 2011 and 2015 years but finally made it to retirement in 2017. Immediately moved out of Ct and what a financial difference. No more car tax or emissions, 1/4 the registration fee, 1/8 the house tax with 80 times more land. 1/2 to 1/3 the electric bill, Cheaper car insurance and _No income tax, huge!.
Less regulations and taxes on everything. Ct is not a fond memory, just a place I lived while working that sucked every dollar out of me, every which way, to fund someone else’s idea’s. I like the way I live now better. I have money for my idea’s, wish I moved 30 years ago.