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Auditors: Expedite the Process

June 24, 2011

Hon. John Geragosian
Hon. Bob Ward
Auditors of Public Accounts
210 Capitol Ave, Room 114
Hartford, CT 06106

Dear Mr. Geragosian and Mr. Ward:

I see from news reports that frivolous accusations made by SEBAC against the Yankee Institute have been referred to your office. I write to request an expedited review of these smears so the Yankee Institute’s good name will be cleared as soon as possible.

SEBAC is attempting to scapegoat the Yankee Institute for SEBAC’s own failure to persuade its own members of the merits of the state employee labor concession deal. SEBAC has made the preposterous and paranoid allegation that we hacked the state computer email system to spread misinformation about the deal, used false identities, and covered up our electronic tracks. The government unions have produced not a shred of evidence to support their assertion.

It sounds like a scene out of “Mission: Impossible” and it reflects the paranoid fantasy world in which SEBAC lives. Yankee Institute has no such computer hacking skills. I don’t even use Twitter.

The Yankee Institute would like to take this opportunity to deny our involvement in other conspiracy theories, too. We were not present on a grassy knoll in Dallas. We have never been inside Area 51. We did not fake the lunar landing on a Hollywood set. Of course, among the conspiracy-minded, denials only make them believe the conspiracy even more. Such is the nature of paranoid delusions.

It’s discouraging to all of us who believe in the First Amendment right to free speech that a union allegation that comes with no proof whatsoever can trigger a government investigation. That said, we understand you have a process to follow and we will, of course, cooperate with your office; we have nothing to hide. We regret that this matter will waste some of your time which could be better spent on real cases.

I look forward to our full and speedy exoneration.


Fergus Cullen
Executive Director

Yankee Staff

Yankee Institute is a 501(c)(3) research and citizen education organization that does not accept government funding. Yankee Institute develops and advances free-market, limited-government solutions in Connecticut. As one of America’s oldest state-based think tanks, Yankee is a leading advocate for smart, limited government; fairness for taxpayers; and an open road to opportunity.

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