Unsung Hero Award 2017
Runners Up
It’s your next-door neighbor. The guy who hands you coffee every morning at the drive-thru. The woman whose office is down the hall from yours. Or the person who carpools your kids to soccer practice.
The Yankee Institute’s Unsung Hero is an everyday Connecticut resident – and we want to give him or her $1,000 to say, “Thank you.”
This person is a crusader of sorts. He or she probably isn’t wearing a cape. (Although maybe sometimes!)
The Unsung Hero’s brave work has made a contribution to the preservation of freedom in our state, holding government accountable and advocating for America’s founding principles.
The Unsung Hero is often thought of as “the little guy.”
Because of that, Unsung Heroes inspire us and give us hope. They stepped out of their comfort zone in the name of fairness and freedom – and they made a difference. Unsung Heroes are role models for us, as well as for future generations.
If you know someone who embodies the spirit of liberty and justice, and who has worked to promote small government and a Connecticut where everyone is free to succeed – nominate him or her! Your nominee just might become Connecticut’s Unsung Hero for 2017.
The Unsung Hero Award is made possible through the generosity of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.
Criteria for Nomination
- Is an “everyday” Connecticut resident who has not received recognition for his or her “liberty-minded” solution to a problem.
- Leadership resulted in a victory that made a positive difference for others in our state.
- Work was transformative and innovative.
- Serves as an inspiration to friends, family, co-workers – to all of us in Connecticut. The nominee’s achievements are a result of his or her own efforts. He or she has not accepted money or a leadership position from an organization in order to complete his or her advocacy work.