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Lawmakers Should Not Override Malloy’s Veto of Education Commissioner Rules

It is not often that we find ourselves agreeing with Gov. Dannel Malloy, but he was right to veto the legislature’s efforts to put strict requirements on who can serve as the head of the State Department of Education.

The state’s teachers unions were the primary proponents of the bill setting limits on a governor’s choice for education chief.

The reasons the unions want these limits are clear – they don’t want someone in the top seat who will try to reform public education.

The unions have stood over and over again in opposition to school reform, and to parents’ efforts to gain more control over their children’s education. This legislation is an attempt to handcuff Gov. Malloy and future governors by forcing them to choose someone based on their preconceived notion of who is qualified.

Lawmakers should resist this effort, and should not vote to override the governor’s veto of this legislation.

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