The number of Connecticut state government employees making more than Governor Ned Lamont’s $150,000 salary last year surged to 2,927, state pay records show.
The number, which stood around 2,000 between 2015 and 2018, follows four rounds of pay raises between 2019 and 2021 for the unions representing the bulk of the state workforce. The pay figures include regular wages, overtime, and other pay, but do not include the value of state healthcare, pension, and other benefits.

About one-third of the state’s $150,000 paychecks went to UConn or UConn Health Center employees, where the pay for faculty and most other non-appointed professional positions is subject to state collective bargaining rules.
The list of agencies in which five or more employees were paid more than $150,000 is below.*

The General Assembly this week is poised to vote on a four-year labor agreement that would grant six rounds of raises between now and July 2023, which would compound to increase the average pay more than 20 percent for some groups.
Daniel Cole
April 24, 2022 @ 3:15 pm
this is just the entitlement mentality of CT state workers today….connecticut is 36 billion in the hole has one of the worst underfunded pension system in the country has a terrible credit rating and the Ass Clown governor and general assembly’s top priority is bonuses and freebie to state workers…..u can’t make this stuff up