On Thursday October 15, Yankee Institute held an online forum with four renowned economists who discussed the current and future state of both Connecticut’s economy and the national economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn.
Below is a series of slides created by Chief Economist for DataCore Partners and former economic advisor to Gov. M. Jodi Rell, Donald Klepper-Smith. This information is free to use by the public.
We wish to thank our panelists: Nick Perna, Allison Schrager, Fred Carstensen and Donald Klepper-Smith. And a special thank you to our guest moderator George Colli.

Thad Stewart
October 25, 2020 @ 7:14 am
In the 1930’s and 1940’s there was a need for the unions. Since the late 1950’s the unions have become the cornerstone of corruption and greed. The state of CT becomes a prime example of this. Being the largest employer in the state, the unions are working diligently to bankrupt the state while the top brass lines their pockets at everyone’s expense. Until the voters of the state wake up to this simple and undeniable fact, the state will continue slipping into the financial abyss it is headed into. Remember, We the People are responsible for removing from office, useless, and self serving leaders, the fault lies no where else.