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No budget? Progress can still be made

For a minute let’s set aside Connecticut’s desperate need for a budget that gets us off the deficit rollercoaster and celebrate the legislative successes of this session.

These are the kind of bills that can help turn Connecticut around.

  • Two bills (Senate Bill 191 and House Bill 5764) cut red tape for people starting careers by easing occupational licensing requirements.
  • Another two bills improve the criminal justice system and make it more cost-effective. House Bill 7044 reforms the cash bail system so people who commit crimes that don’t carry jail time won’t sit in jail awaiting trial. House Bill 7146 requires a criminal conviction before Connecticut can permanently take property from someone suspected of a crime.
  • Senate Bill 966 makes economic development programs more accountable.
  • Senate Bill 981 protects free speech by preventing frivolous lawsuits designed to intimidate.

Thanks to the lawmakers, coalition partners and supporters who made these bills possible. See you in special session…

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