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What do you call it when Gov. Ned Lamont and the General Assembly pass the largest income tax cut in Connecticut history, as they did in 2023? A good start!

That’s because year after year, Connecticut becomes more and more expensive. There are spiking electric bills, the nation’s third highest property taxes, and even increases in our car taxes that came during a special legislative session in June.

In 2023, Connecticut residents and businesses paid more than $11.2 billion in personal income tax and $1.5 billion in corporate taxes. Between all sources of revenue (i.e., all taxes and fees), the state collected nearly a whopping $24 billion of your money.

This flyer documents every Connecticut tax and fee. Please note that some cost more to collect than they actually bring into state coffers. Eliminating burdensome taxes and fees and making fundamental structural reforms to our pension system are vital for a free and thriving Connecticut.