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Public Hearing on Constitutional Spending Cap

If you are concerned about Connecticut’s runaway state spending, this is your chance to speak up!

On Monday, April 18, the Spending Cap Commission will hold a public hearing starting at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the state’s constitutional spending cap.

In 1992, an overwhelming majority of voters approved a constitutional amendment that enshrined a spending cap in the state’s constitution. The cap was part of the deal lawmakers made with state residents with they implemented an income tax.

But – after 24 years – the spending cap still has not been fully implemented. This is because lawmakers have failed to do their due diligence and define key terms in the spending cap definition.

The cap was supposed to keep a lid on state spending – and it did, when lawmakers stuck to it.

But many state lawmakers have moved money out and around the cap several times in order to increase state spending above and beyond what the cap would allow. That happened again last year, when lawmakers removed payments to the state’s pension fund from the spending cap calculation.

Where has this left us? Overtaxed and overspent.

Things will only change if people like you demand that they change. Here is your chance. Contact your representative or make your voice heard the hearing!

Here are the details for the hearing:

Spending Cap Commission Public Hearing
Monday, April 18, 1:30 p.m.
Legislative Office Building, Hartford
Room 1E

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